Programming Languages Suite
Masm V6.11
Text File
657 lines
; Sample TOOLS.INI file for:
; Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench Version 2.00
; Copyright (c), 1989-1992 Microsoft Corp.
; To use the macros or settings in this file, copy or merge this file
; with your TOOLS.INI file.
; Once in TOOLS.INI, the macros and editor settings in this file can
; be defined by initializing the appropriate tagged section. A tagged
; section for PWB begins with a tag, which has the form:
; [PWB-name]
; Where <name> is the name of the tagged section.
; To initialize a named section of TOOLS.INI, execute Arg <name>
; Initialize, as follows:
; 1. Execute the Arg function (press ALT+A).
; 2. Type the name of the tagged section.
; 3. Execute the Initialize function (press SHIFT+F8).
; If you want certain settings to be your default settings, copy the
; contents of that section to the main PWB section.
; Contents
; Tag Description
; -------------- -----------------------------------------------
; [pwb pwb-main] Main PWB section
; [pwb-4.0] Settings for MS-DOS 4.0 and 4.1
; [pwb-5.0] Settings for MS-DOS 5.0
; [pwb-..] Default file-extension settings
; [pwb-.bak] Settings for .BAK files
; [pwb-utility] Miscellaneous utility macros
; [pwb-emulations] Selected editor emulations
; [pwb-visible] Settings for visisble whitespace characters
; [pwb-invisible] Settings for invisisble whitespace characters
; [pwb-wptab] Settings for word-processor-like tab handling
; [pwb-notab] Settings for no tab characters
; [pwb-CTPL] C templates
; [pwb-ckeys] Key assignments for C templates
; [pwb-samples] Sample macros from Help
; [pwb-tutor] Sample macros from the PWB tutorial
; [pwb-abbr] Abbreviation facility
; Note - Some macros in this file assume certain conditions.
; All macros in this file that use regular expressions assume that the
; Unixre switch is set to yes, the default value for Unixre.
; Many macros assume that the current selection mode is stream or box
; mode. These macros may not work correctly in line selection mode.
[pwb pwb-main]
; Main section of TOOLS.INI
; Only this section, operating-system-specific, and file extension
; sections are initialized at startup. For more information on these
; sections, see the PWB Help under TOOLS.INI.
; Autostart is executed automatically at startup.
Autostart :=
; Sample operating system tagged sections
; Settings when running on MS-DOS version 4.0 or 4.1
; Settings when running on MS-DOS version 5.0
; Sample file extension tagged sections
; Default settings for any file extension that is not otherwise
; defined.
color:text 17
; Change tab settings for .ASM files
tabstops :8
filetab :8
; It's easy to open a .BAK file by mistake, so this section defines
; the text color to something noticeable.
color:text 4e
; Utility macros
; Window and file management
; Close all files in the active window except the current file.
; When multiple files have been opened in a single window, this
; macro removes the extra files.
AllBut1File := cancel :>s setfile -> closefile < =>s
; Close all windows except for the active window.
AllBut1Window:= cancel :>s openfile -> meta window < =>s
; Minimize all windows.
MinimizeAll := cancel arg minimize
; Restore all windows.
RestoreAll := cancel arg minimize :>s selwindow minimize ->s \
selwindow minimize
; Change directory to directory of current file.
; Requires an editable file.
ccd := linsert curfile arg curfilenam msearch arg meta ldelete \
begline arg right right setfile begline arg setfile undo
; Change directory to directory of current file.
; Requires an editable file.
; This version is slower, but does not change the current search
; pattern.
ccd2 := linsert curfile savecur curfilenam curfileext restcur \
:>s delete cdelete left right +>s \
begline arg right right setfile begline arg setfile undo
; Synchronized error traversal: Build Results, source, and Help.
; Traverses messages in the build results, showing the message, the
; location of the message in the source file, and help for the message
; in arranged windows.
;psync - Synchronize to next message
;msync - Synchronize to previous message
;setsync- Synchronize to message at the cursor in Build Results.
syncmsg := nextmsg -> pwbhelperr openfile arg arrangewindow
psync := cancel syncmsg
msync := cancel arg "-1" syncmsg
setsync := cancel arg "<COMPILE>" pwbwindow arg arg syncmsg
psync :Alt+Down
msync :Alt+Up
setsync :Alt+Goto
; These macros approximate selected behaviors of other editors.
; Successively go to beginning of line, top left window corner,
; beginning of file.
BRIEFHome := begline +> home +> begfile
; Successively go to end of line, end of last line in the window,
; end of file.
BRIEFEnd := endline +> meta down endline +> endfile
; Emulate an emacs-style character delete. When at the end of a line,
; delete the line break. Otherwise delete the character at the cursor.
; Note that this macro includes the line break when deleting the last
; character on a line.
EmacsDel := delete "-" left right ->eol emacscdel => :>eol left \
arg meta sdelete
; Settings to make tabs, trailing spaces, and trailing lines visible.
tabdisp :250
traildisp :177
; Settings to make tabs, trailing spaces, and trailing lines invisible.
tabdisp :32
traildisp :32
; Word-processor-like settings.
; Because tab characters and trailing spaces are allowed, the visible
; whitespace settings above are recommended.
; You can change tabstops and filetab to your preference, but should
; have the same value for proper emulation.
tabstops :8
filetab :8
realtabs :yes
tabalign :yes
entab :0
; Insert a tab character in insert mode.
; Move the cursor right one tab stop in overtype mode.
tabio := insertmode +>over insertmode "\t" => \
:>over insertmode tab
tabio : Tab
; Move right one tab stop in both insert mode and overtype mode.
; To insert a tab in all modes, use Quote TAB (CTRL+P, TAB)
tab :ctrl+tab
; Settings so that no new tab characters are added to the file.
Filetab :8 ;Tabs expand to 8 spaces
Realtabs:no ;Do not preserve tabs
Entab :0 ;Translate whitespace to spaces
; Note that tab characters on unmodified lines are preserved.
; To strip all tabs from the file, execute the TouchAll macro with
; these settings. To also strip trailing spaces, uncomment the next
; line.
; TouchAll - Modify all nonblank lines
TouchAll:= savecur \
begfile arg arg replace "^." newline "\\0" newline restcur
TouchAll:Alt+D ;Press Alt+D to touch all nonempty lines in the file
; C template macro set for Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench
; Copyright (c), 1989-1992 Microsoft Corp.
; CTPL is a useful example of an extended system of macros to
; customize the PWB. You can change this set to implement your own C
; programming style.
; To install CTPL, add this section to your TOOLS.INI. When you want
; to activate the macros, type:
; Arg "ctpl" Initialize
; Or define the following macro in the main section of TOOLS.INI:
; CTPL:=arg "Ctpl" initialize
; CTPL:Alt+F10
; and press ALT+F10 to initialize the C templates.
; Most templates are activated by typing a C keyword and executing the
; DoTpl macro (Alt+T). Templates usually insert some text, then select
; an active area--a "tag".
; To fill out a tag, type the replacement text.
; To skip the tag, execute Cancel (Press ESC).
; To move back and forth among tags use the Mrec (ALT+PGUP) and Prec
; (ALT+PGDN) macros.
; Since tags are C comments, you can compile code with incompletely
; filled-in templates.
; For templates that do not have a keyword--a function or prototype,
; for example--CTPL defines a key assignment. This command structure
; minimizes the number of key bindings necessary to support the CTPL
; macro set.
; For example, the switch template uses the macro AddCase (ALT+F9) to
; insert a case just before the default case provided by the switch
; template.
; HINT: Sometimes you don't want the semicolon that CTPL often places
; after a tag. In these situations press RIGHT to extend the selection
; to include the semicolon as well as the tag, and it is replaced by
; what you type.
; NOTE: CTPL macros assume that the current selection mode is box or
; stream mode. If this becomes troublesome for you, use the mode-safe
; versions of the SelTag and DoTpl macros. The CTPL macros also work
; correctly in stream-selection mode. If you prefer stream selection,
; change the mode-safe versions to use the _pwbstreammode macro.
; NOTE: Because PWB rereads a file-extension tagged section each time
; you move to the file, It is not recommend to rename the CTPL section
; as [pwb-.C]. This works, but slows down switching to .C files.
; Select word
selword :=pword ->eof mword arg meta pword => \
:>eof mword pword arg meta pword
;-- The core macro for CTPL
; select the current word and execute it
DoTpl :=selword execute
; selection-mode safe DoTpl
;DoTpl :=_pwbboxmode selword execute
;-- simple 'pairs'
parens :="()" left
subscript :="[]" left
angles :="<>" left
quotes :="\"\"" left
;-- messages
notag :=arg "No more tags" message
nobrace :=arg "Missing right brace" message
nodefault :=arg "No \"default:\" found" message
;-- tag & utilities
tag :="/*%*/"
stmt :="/*%*/;"
seltag :=arg right right right right right
; selection-mode safe seltag
;seltag :=_pwbboxmode arg right right right right right
; Tag movement - Move to and select the position to be filled in.
;mrec - Move to and select previous tag
;prec - Move to and select next tag
mrec :=cancel left arg tag msearch ->f seltag => :>f notag
prec :=cancel right arg tag psearch ->f seltag => :>f notag
;-- Utilities -- redefine to change indentation styles
;test - condition in parentheses
;plist - parameter list
;testbreak - type of break (if any) after a test
test :="( " tag " )"
plist :="( " tag " )"
testbreak :=addline
;-- utilities for adding components of C constructs
;addline - Add a line, with same indentation as this line
;addstmt - Add a statement after this line
;addstmti - Add an indented statement after this line
;block - Add a statement block after this line
addline :=cancel begline down linsert
addstmt :=addline tag mrec
addstmti :=addline tab tag mrec
block :="{" addline "}" begline linsert tab tag down endline
;-- function, prototype and utilities
;func - Parameter list and body
;proto - Semicolon-terminated parameter list
;main - Alias of func
;additem - Add item to the current parameter list or 'for' control
func :=endline savecur plist addline block restcur prec
proto :=endline plist ";" mrec
main :=func
additem :=cancel left arg arg "[;:)}]" psearch -> \
arg arg "[^ \t]" msearch right ", " tag right mrec
;printf, fprintf, sprintf - Handy templates
printf :=proto quotes tag "\\n" mrec
fprintf :=proto "std" tag ", " quotes tag "\\n" begline prec
sprintf :=proto tag ", " tag ", " tag mrec mrec quotes tag \
endline mrec mrec
;-- conditional constructs
;if - Add a condition and statement block
;else - You usually use addelse, but this is still useful
;addelse - Add an else clause to the current if statement
;addelif - Add an else-if clause to the current if statement
;while - While loop
;for - For loop template. Use additem for comma-op items
;do - Do loop template
;queryop - "() ? : " template for the ternary operator
if :=endline savecur test testbreak block restcur prec
else :=testbreak block mrec
addelse :=cancel arg "}" psearch ->f testbreak "else" else => :>f nobrace
addelif :=cancel arg "}" psearch ->f testbreak "else if" if => :>f nobrace
while :=if
for :=if stmt " " stmt " " tag begline prec
do :=testbreak block " while" test endline ";" mrec
queryop :=savecur test " ? " tag " : " tag restcur prec
_asm :=testbreak block mrec
;-- declarations
enum :=endline " " tag " { " tag " } " stmt begline prec
typedef :=endline " " tag " " stmt begline prec
struct :=endline savecur " " tag testbreak block " " stmt restcur prec
class :=struct
;-- switch statement and components
; Use add-case to build the cases of the switch.
; Use addbreak to terminate a statement section.
;case - Colon-terminated placeholder
;addbreak - Insert a break statement after the current statement
;addcase - Insert case just before the next or default case
;switch - Condition, block, and default case.
;swiback - By default case labels appear at the same indentation level
; as the opening 'case' For indented case labels, define it
; as 'swiback:='
swiback :=backtab
case :=endline " " tag ":" mrec
addbreak:=addstmt "break;" begline
addcase :=cancel arg arg "\\{default:\\!case\\}" psearch ->f \
linsert "case" case => :>f nodefault
switch :=endline test testbreak block mrec right meta delete swiback \
"default:" addstmti "break" mrec
;-- preprocessor utilities
;inc - #include <x>
;def - #define x x
;pragma - #pragma x( x )
inc :=begline "#" endline "lude <>" left
def :=begline "#" endline "ine " tag " " tag begline prec
pragma:=begline "#" endline " " tag plist begline prec
; The OpenInclude macro opens an include file named in the next
; #include directive. The macro demonstrates a technique using the
; Lasttext function to pick up text from the file and modify it
; without modifying the file or the clipboard.
OpenInclude := \
up meta begline arg arg "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include" psearch -> \
arg arg "[<>\"]" psearch -> right savecur psearch -> \
selcur lasttext begline "$INCLUDE:" openfile <n +> \
lastselect openfile <
; Key Assignments
mrec :Alt+PgUp
prec :Alt+PgDn
addcase :Alt+F9
addbreak :Alt+F10
addelse :Shift+Ctrl+E
addelif :Shift+Ctrl+I
additem :Alt+,
queryop :Alt+/
parens :Ctrl+0
subscript :Alt+]
quotes :alt+'
angles :Alt+>
addstmt :Ctrl+;
addstmti :Shift+Ctrl+:
proto :Shift+Ctrl+P
func :Shift+Ctrl+F
dotpl :Alt+T
; Initialize this section if you've switched to another type of file
; and need to recover your CTPL keys.
mrec :=cancel left arg tag msearch ->f seltag => :>f notag
prec :=cancel right arg tag psearch ->f seltag => :>f notag
mrec :Alt+PgUp
prec :Alt+PgDn
addcase :Alt+F9
addbreak :Alt+F10
addelse :Shift+Ctrl+E
addelif :Shift+Ctrl+I
additem :Alt+,
queryop :Alt+/
parens :Ctrl+0
subscript :Alt+]
quotes :alt+'
angles :Alt+>
addstmt :Ctrl+;
addstmti :Shift+Ctrl+:
proto :Shift+Ctrl+P
func :Shift+Ctrl+F
dotpl :Alt+T
; This section contains example macros from help.
; Run the program for current PWB project
Run :=arg "run" compile
; Debug the program for current PWB project
Debug:=arg "debug" compile
; Insert spaces to next tab stop.
InsertTab := arg tab sinsert
; Indent a paragraph to the next tab stop:
para_indent:=_pwbboxmode meta mpara down begline arg \
meta ppara up begline tab insert
; Move the cursor to column one, then toggle between column one and
; the first nonblank character on the line.
ToggleBegline := left ->x meta :>x begline
; Put parts of current filename on the clipboard.
Path2clip := Arg Curfile Copy
Name2clip := Arg Curfilenam Copy
Filename2clip := Arg Curfilenam Curfileext Copy
; Macro utilities
; Macro writing and debugging tools, plus convenient shorthands
; Set True return value. Side effect: cancels active arguments
True := cancel
; Set False return value. Side effect: turns off Meta
False := meta +>off meta :>off meta
; The following macros test common conditions.
; At beginning of line?
bol? := savecur begline +>no True => :>no restcur False
; Any text at cursor?
text? := right +>yes left False => :>yes left True
; Is the current line an empty line?
empty? := meta begline endline ->yes False => :>yes True
; Display the current macro return value on the status bar, then
; reset return value. Use this macro when debugging loops and
; conditional flow control.
? := +>t arg "FALSE" message => :>t arg "TRUE" message
; Refresh - force a full screen redraw
! := meta message
; These two utilities make readable find/replace macros. For example,
; use the phrase:
; replace "<junk text>" with nothing
; to delete <junk text> from the file.
With := newline
Nothing := " " cdelete newline
; Position the window so that the next tagged section of TOOLS.INI
; starts at the top of the window.
FindTag:=arg arg "^\\[[^\\]]+\\]" psearch ->none \
arg setwindow => :>none arg "no tag" message
; Adjust each line continuation (backslash at the end of a line) so
; that it appears in column 73.
SlashJust:=savecur begfile arg arg replace \
"^\\(.*[^ ]\\) +\\\\$" newline \
"\\(-70,1) \\\\" newline restcur
; Prompt for help topic to look up.
QueryHelp := arg "Get Help On:" prompt ->no pwbhelp => \
:>no arg "Query Cancelled" message
; Iterations on the file.
; All... - Macros that iterate over the file, one line at a time.
; Act - Define as the action to be performed on each line.
Act :=
; Perform Act on all lines of the file, starting from the end.
AllBackward := endfile :>s act up +>s
; Perform Act on all lines from start, including a page of blank lines
; at the end of the file.
AllForward := begfile :>s act down +>s
; Perform Act on all lines from start, testing for end-of-file at each
; step. Solves 'extra lines' problem of AllForward at the cost of
; speed.
AllForward2 := begfile savecur :>s restcur act \
down savecur begline endfile +>s
; Perform Act at each occurrence of a regular expression in the file.
Act :=
; Regular expression to match (example is for blank line)
RE := "^$"
; Perform Act at each occurrence of RE.
For1 := begfile :>s arg arg RE psearch -> act =>s
; Like For1, but iterates much faster with the restriction that Act
; cannot perform a search.
For2 := begfile arg arg RE :>s psearch -> act =>s
;GetMac - Load a separate file of macros or assignments.
;Usage: Arg 'file' getMac where <file> is the base name of
; a file in the INIT directory
GetMac := cancel lasttext begline "$INIT:" endline ".MAC" \
setfile <n +>Ok lasttext begline \
"Can't find \"" endline "\"" message => \
:>Ok begfile arg endfile assign -> arg refresh
; PWB Tutorial macro examples
CloseWindows := :>Loop Openfile -> Meta Window Window =>Loop
CloseWindows : SHIFT+CTRL+W
LineComment := "// "
RevHead := "** Revision History **"
RevComment := \
Arg Arg "Start" Mark \
Begfile Arg RevHead Psearch +>Found \
Linsert LineComment RevHead \
:>Found \
Down Linsert Begline LineComment Curdate " (" \
Arg "Initials" Prompt ->Quit Paste Endline ") " \
Arg "Comment" Prompt ->Quit Paste =>End \
:>Quit Meta Ldelete \
:>End Arg "Start" Mark
; Abbreviations - Define and expand abbreviations.
; Select the current word
SelWord:= pword ->eof mword arg meta pword => \
:>eof mword pword arg meta pword
; Delete the current word and execute it
Expand := selword lasttext cancel lastselect meta sdelete lasttext execute
Expand :Alt+T
; Simple text expansion
prog := "program"
ex := "example"
; Expand 'cmd' once to get 'command', Expand twice to get 'command line'
cmd := "command"
command:= "command line"
; Expand to the contents of the file HEADER.TPL in the INIT
; directory--a good technique for large boilerplate text.
Header := arg arg "$INIT:header.TPL" paste